Today's "Must Have"......
I had to have it. I had to!
Joe made the mistake of agreeing to go to Michael's today, and we found this Disney scrapbook kit!! How could we not get it?? AND.....50% off! Ha! Clearly a sign from above that we were meant to have it. So now we have a nice little project to put all our vacation memories into this scrapbook. Yay! This will keep the Disney magic alive for many more months.
When we were shopping at one of the stores in Downtown Disney, they had a deal where you could get this super-cool Mickey throw for just $15 if you spent over $50!
So we *had* to have this as well! Soon everything in the house will be Mickey-related! Mwuahahaha!
Updates on Spike the dog.
We took him back to the vet after we got back. We could tell his tumor right below his ear has gotten bigger in the week we were gone.
It was a month ago that we first discovered it, and so far, we had not noticed any obvious signs of pain or distress. The vet checked it all out again, and concluded that he still does not seem to be sensitive to it or in any discomfort, bad as it looks to us. And he even managed to gain nearly half a pound since last month, so he still has his appetite.
The Dr's best guess based on how much it has grown over the past month is probably somewhere between 2 & 6 months. But he also says Spike is a most remarkable dog for 18 years old and nothing would surprise him! :)

When we were shopping at one of the stores in Downtown Disney, they had a deal where you could get this super-cool Mickey throw for just $15 if you spent over $50!

Updates on Spike the dog.

He certainly looks happy. Our Sophie has a tumor on her leg that we just found out is cancerous. Needless to say, it's been a stressful week.
I hope both our doggies get better (or at the very least not any worse)
Thanks for the Spike update, I was wondering how he was doing. Glad to see he's still hanging on; I'm sure you guys will take good care of him!
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