Max Updates
Max seems to be slowly returning to his old self, though he still seems a little unsure about going outside sometimes.
Today, we let him outside on the deck, and he was so focused on a squirrel off to the left in this shot, that he totally missed the fact that there was a bunny right in front of him!
The bunny froze for the longest time, and it wasn't until it decided to continue eating, that Max finally spotted it.
Surprisingly, he first just watched. Eventually, he decided it was time to get a closer look, at which point Mr. Bunny took off.
Meantime, we had a visit last week from Mari K., mother of Benson, and she brought Max a small squeak toy. Said toy barsk when you push it's middle.
At first, Max was rather indifferent. "This ain't no bacon", I suspect he was thinking. But by today, he can't seem to let it go....
"You can rub my belly, but I am not letting go!":
I think he has issues.....
Today, we let him outside on the deck, and he was so focused on a squirrel off to the left in this shot, that he totally missed the fact that there was a bunny right in front of him!

Meantime, we had a visit last week from Mari K., mother of Benson, and she brought Max a small squeak toy. Said toy barsk when you push it's middle.
At first, Max was rather indifferent. "This ain't no bacon", I suspect he was thinking. But by today, he can't seem to let it go....

How long did it take before you took it away?
Squeak, squeak, squeak at all hours of the night and day.
What a little sweetheart.
Thanks, Tree! I try.
Oh. Did you mean Max? *Whatever....*
Hey SK. Lucky, it only barks and you have to squeeze it just right, so most of the time it is quietly in his mouth. But when he gets it to bark, it is funny....
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