The Fence Is Done!

The idea was to have this side match the style of the exising fence in the rear of the property. Now the pets have room to run free (note Max's fluffy tail in this pic):

So Joe met the neighbor farmer lady when he had to go get Max....and learned an interesting fact! She said that alpacas kill foxes, and often mistake small dogs for foxes! They almost lost their dog a few weeks ago when they put it in the alpaca pen, not knowing this. The alpacas tried to stomp it to death! So it's a good thing Max didn't find his way in there.
That would be horrible if it happened, so it's best to know ahead of time to try to prevent it. It's just that the dogs don't always cooperate.
Are you looking for a new hobby?
Nice to see that your home improvement projects have gone well, mine haven't. They've just generated at least 2 more projects, not what I needed these days.
I've seen them chasing the chickens, but had no idea they were killers!
Hahah - I hope mebeth stops by and checks out that link - I'd love to see her make one of these!!!!
THe kitchen is the last big project we have planned, so keep your fingers crossed. Let's hope all goes as planned with this one.....
I LOVE that crochet pirate!! That definitely made my Monday morning. And who knew alpacas were so dangerous??
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