Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Minneapolis Stone Arch Festival

A few weekends ago, we caught the Stone Arch Festival in Minneapolis. It was such a nice day to be outside, and we snapped a few pics of some neat and unusual things we came across.

The first thing to catch out eye was this:Can you imagine owning this thing? That would be cool.

These next few are a tribute to recycling junk into....well...more junk. But junk people talk about! And take pictures of!
See what a little free time, spark plugs and kitchen utensils and appliances can turn to?
I am going to go pull the spark plugs out of my car now.....

Enough on that - as we worked our way to the end, we came across a few more vehicles that we thought were kinda neat:
This one just looks like it woudl be fun to own and drive down the road.....
There's always something interesting to do in Minneapolis, I say!


Blogger Tree said...

Looks like a wonderful, sunny day. I'm glad to see your post, it's been too long!

7:43 PM  

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