I want this life...
I want to come back as a dog in my next life. One of our dogs. Sleep, eat, play, sleep, bark, eat, sleep......Max decided it was nice down by the fireplace, and took a little afternoon puppy-dog siesta:
He's probably dreaming of new ways to torment Miss Kitty....
Holiday Decorations - love 'em, hate 'em, could care less? In keeping with tradition, we got out the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. Roof lights went up on Saturday. Now we're working on the bush lights, and the inside stuff.
If you celebrate Christmas, when do you start to get things set up? The day after TG, the first of December, or do you wait until it's closer to the holiday?

Holiday Decorations - love 'em, hate 'em, could care less? In keeping with tradition, we got out the Christmas decorations the day after Thanksgiving. Roof lights went up on Saturday. Now we're working on the bush lights, and the inside stuff.
If you celebrate Christmas, when do you start to get things set up? The day after TG, the first of December, or do you wait until it's closer to the holiday?
Max is so clean for a fluffy white dog!
We don't start decorating for a week or so after Thanksgiving (and I don't usually do much, but it's a small apartment).
oh my, that is an adorable picture!
I put my decorations up this weekend; a small tree, homemade wreaths and Dept. 56 houses and accessories. No lights outside although I enjoy seeing my neighbors' displays.
Thank you for putting a link to my blog here, Jeff. I've tried to add links to blogs on mine but can't figure out how to do it! (Notice the partial link under the flag?)
That's one content pup!
And for Christmas decorations, it all depends on whether or not we stay here in DC or go to TN to visit family. If we stay here we usually put up the tree about the second week in Dec. A few decorations, including my Boyd's Bear nativity set go up inside the house. Outside.....not so much, our condo association freaks out if you put more than a few lights up inside your windows. (scrooges)
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