Views around town....
..but before that, Miss Kitty woke up for a few minutes during her morning sun worshipping, and let me take this of her:
Yes, I know, Miss Kitty...rough life.
While Joe and I were out and about this afternoon, I decided to take some pictures of the countryside to show that we really do live in the sticks.
This first one is one of the farms I pass every morning as I leave the house on my way to the office:
During the hot & humid summer months, the cows are usually half-way in the pond, which I find hilarious.
And every day, I get to pass through this little tunnel:

...and then through downtown Jefferson, Maryland:
Um....Mayberry is a megatropolis compared to Jefferson.
And a few miles later, I hit the big highway towards Frederick:
From the driveway to the office is about 12 miles, and it takes 15-20 minutes, which isn't bad at all.
My shortest commute was when we lived in Phoenix, and we lived 3 miles from my office. The worst was when I lived in New Jersey, and I commuted from Flemington to Edison every day - 40+ miles and it took over an hour each way. My longest one-way commute ever was 3 hours, and again, in New Jersey. An unexpected snowstorm caused traffic to come to an absolut estand-still, so I decided to take back roads home. Back roads that I had never taken before. Boy, was that a mistake.
Anyone have any "Commute From Hell" stories they'd like to share?

While Joe and I were out and about this afternoon, I decided to take some pictures of the countryside to show that we really do live in the sticks.
This first one is one of the farms I pass every morning as I leave the house on my way to the office:

And every day, I get to pass through this little tunnel:

...and then through downtown Jefferson, Maryland:

And a few miles later, I hit the big highway towards Frederick:

My shortest commute was when we lived in Phoenix, and we lived 3 miles from my office. The worst was when I lived in New Jersey, and I commuted from Flemington to Edison every day - 40+ miles and it took over an hour each way. My longest one-way commute ever was 3 hours, and again, in New Jersey. An unexpected snowstorm caused traffic to come to an absolut estand-still, so I decided to take back roads home. Back roads that I had never taken before. Boy, was that a mistake.
Anyone have any "Commute From Hell" stories they'd like to share?
It looks so pretty where you live and Jefferson looks so charming!
Nothing too nightmarish in the commute department yet but I had a post on my blog about a commute that took over two hours one morning and the other night, I missed the 5:05 bus, waited for the 5:20 which showed up at 5:30 and got home at 6:50. I've heard stories about when it snows, people are stuck on buses anywhere from four to nine hours. :-(
almost forgot...great picture of your cat!
When I used to live in Maryland, I used to drive all the way from Greenbelt all the way to Dulles airport. It was about 35 miles each way and over an hour drive during traffic. Not really that bad, but eventually the commute got worse when I moved into DC and didn't have a car anymore. I'd typically metro from downtown to rosslyn to only hop onto an express bus to take me to the airport. Believe it or not, I'd get to work un under an hour if I got all of my connections right.
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