Small-Town Charm
Frederick, Maryland is a small town, with lots of historic relevance and Mayberry-esque stuff. Since it was such a nice day (75 and sunny, versus the 110 in Phoenix - ha!), we decided to take a stroll through the historic section of downtown Frederick. We found lots of neat little shops - and you know me: camera ready for any oddities.
So far, I've found the following:
The plaque on this cast-iron dog statue says her name is Charity and she has been here since 1858. That's one old dog!
So far, I've found the following:

Next, every small town needs at least one of these:
For only $25, I could get a body piercing. That sounds reasonable. I could always do one of those web-thingies where I encourage viewers to suggest and vote on where I should get a body piercing, and then broadcast the event live. That assumes I trust people. Haha. That's funny.
This next one is something I have not seen in a LONG time....
Finally, this one really caught my eye:
It's a wall mural - can you believe it? Someone painted it on here - it looks so real and 3-dimensional. Now that's talent.
Now if we can just convince Trader Joe's that small-town Frederick is *thee* place to be....
How about a piercing thru the temple?
Or is that too crass?
Just got back from Frederick. LOVED the paintings. Did you see the bridge? Posed by Charity...
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